
Depuis 2009
Agrément Communautaire pour l'exercice de la profession d'Expert-Comptable
et Commissaire aux Comptes dans les six pays d'Afrique Centrale
- AGRÉÉ ONEC RDC (Congo Kinshasa) -
Experts-Mac... Une Vision Éclairée du Conseil, par l'Afrique pour le Monde.
Accounting and Bookeeping
Experts-Mac is member of the Central Africa Audi & Accounting Body (CEMAC).
With offices in Chad, Cameroon and Congo, we advice you and your company in Subsahara Africa regions, and internationaly.
We offer advice in French, English and Germany.

CAMEROON: New year 2015 Tax Law changes
The draft of 2015 Cameroon Finance Law has brought some changes and modification in the taxation laws as mentioned bellow:
• The reduction of Corporate Income taxation rate from 35 to 30% (Art 17 GTC);
• Increase of the Advance Corporate Income Tax rate from 1 to 2% (Art 21 and 69);
• The removal of the VAT fees on commissions charged by travel agencies on international flights. (Art 127);
• The non deduction of VAT credits generated from transactions made in cash (Art 143 and 149);

Our clients: Our Strength !
Our clients are of the utmost importance. Most of our business comes from clients with whom we already do business or who have heard about us.
Our service quality and personal attention our team reserves to each of you, justify this confidence. The experience, multidisciplinary and dynamism of our team deserve this distinctive performance.
We are here for You, to provide you with best solutions and advices.