
Depuis 2009
Agrément Communautaire pour l'exercice de la profession d'Expert-Comptable
et Commissaire aux Comptes dans les six pays d'Afrique Centrale
- AGRÉÉ ONEC RDC (Congo Kinshasa) -
Experts-Mac... Une Vision Éclairée du Conseil, par l'Afrique pour le Monde.
Facilities Management service
The firm is member of the Central Africa Accounting Body (CEMAC).
We offer advice in French, English and Germany.
Our experts on Oil&Gaz, Petroleum and Mine fields will help you on finding best solutions to manage your business in the Africa Subsahara countries.
Our Partners and Managers are international people, experienced and graduated from many countries (Canada, France, Germany...).

Our assistance on FM
Our offer on Interim Security Service
◾outsourcing of specialized staff and interim management
We offer you the staff of all levels for specific and strategic positions, or to manage exceptional situations (annual leave or maternity, illness, exceptional activity ...).
◾Security, safety and riggers services
Experts-Mac has developed expertise for placement of riggers (for the GSM infrastructure), we train our riggers on safety standards imported from Canada.
See our Certification.